Honours Project

Through documentative style books I aim to bring awareness to the rising mental health crisis within our society today. Inspired by personal expierence, feelings, challenges and fears I have currated narratives that will encourage more open and honest conversations regarding mental health related issues to try and reduce the stigma.

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Going to bed exhausted
filled with dread for the
lonely hours I’d spend
watching the clock
as the hours pass by
everyone is fast asleep and
I’m wide awake staring at
the ceiling

I’ve tried everything to
help me fall asleep
had a warm shower
a cup of camomile tea and
bathed myself in lavender
oil but now the only thing
left for me to do is count

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Popping the first pill
into my mouth
I was filled with fear
was this pill instantly
going to cure my mood
and stop the endless
hours I’d spent crying for
no apparent reason and
give me back the joy
I once felt?

Or was this tiny little pill
going to make me sink
deeper into this sadness
I was feeling and change
who I was?

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The doctor said
I should go for a
walk to get out
and feel the warm
sun on my skin
and breathe in
the crisp fresh air

the doctor said
it will help boost
my energy and
improve my mood

the doctor said
the fresh air will
help to reduce my
stresses and eleviate
all of my worries

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Do I look okay
is my hair in place
is my outfit okay
hours later and
I’m ready to leave
but it won’t be long
until the doubt
creeps in and the
comparisons start

The little voice
that’s always there
telling me im
not good enough
I wish I was like her
she’s gorgeous
she’s better

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I feel as though
Im sinking
deeper and deeper
into the water
the deeper I go
the less I can breathe
the more I try
to fight the more
I start to panic
nobody can hear my screams or the
worries rushing
through my mind

I need to fight
I need to stay calm
I need to stay afloat